Don’t Let Your Inner Grinch Steal Your Joy

Let your inner holiday spirit be your guide during the Christmas season.
It is the Christmas season, isn’t it?
This year he's been waiting for Santa to bring him something extra special and guess what? The furry one has finally arrived. With his cool green outfit and that mischievous glint in his eyes, the Grinch was made to steal Christmas.
We all have ways we keep the Christmas spirit alive in our hearts, but what if that's not enough? What if the Grinch has made off with your Christmas joy, if there is more apathy than awe, or if you need a fresh sense of that Holy Night? There is a way for you to experience the Glory the angels announced. As the Christmas season creeps closer and your feeling of joy grows dim, remember the Angel's announcement: "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a saviour, who is Christ the Lord."
1. Rekindle your memories
I remember one year, when I was about 7, the heat went out on Christmas Eve. My dad built a fire, and the entire family—me, my parents, and siblings—slept in sleeping bags next to the fireplace, down by the Christmas tree. I thought it was the most magical night of my life! I was worried about Santa getting burned coming down the chimney with the fire going, but my parents reassured me his boots and suit were fireproof. When I woke up to presents scattered under the tree, we all couldn't believe how Santa managed to do it! Looking back at it, we can see how God has changed our lives. When times have been tough, we can find comfort in the fact that God can work through all of life’s circumstances. So, Looking back is important.
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2. Find the wonder again
The Christmas story brings many astounding details. Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus (Matthew 1:18). The wise men showed up . . . and then they "fell down and worshiped" the baby (Matthew 2:1-12). God told the angels words that made them shout to the shepherds "Hurry, don't delay—go to Bethlehem! There you will find the baby wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a manger!" (Luke 2:8-20)
If this were a fantasy, you would use "magical" and "enchanting" to describe it, but it's real. Amaze yourself!
3. Rest in his grace – Take a load off
Since Christmas is a time to rejoice in the birth of Jesus, it is also a time of celebration. After all, there's nothing like celebrating the many ways God has blessed us during the past year. From family and friends to plum cakes and church services, the many joys and blessings of this season are endless. So before you spend hours in preparation for your Christmas dinner, make sure you spend a few moments reflecting on how blessed you truly are.
Keep your Christmas Spirit Alive By Pushing Back Grinchiness
Be a scrooge or be a darling?
During this season of love and light, many people feel overwhelmed by the holiday rush and pressures, and they act out in ways they regret later. Learning to recognize the incoming emotional overload, setting boundaries, and taking a breather from the hustle-bustle of the modern holiday is important, so you can prevent a meltdown. Setting aside time for yourself during this festive time to breathe, relax, meditate, or even go for a walk in nature is a healthy way to maintain perspective and peace of mind.
You know what they say: All good things must come to an end. And while you love surprises, you've also come to expect certain things this time of year - a family dinner, presents under the tree, or perhaps a slice of sweet potato pie. But let's not forget what the holidays are really about - being together with people we love. And one more thing: if the Grinch remembers, maybe he could spare the season for all of us.
So, remember, this is the season of giving, and why not give your loved ones something that is comfortable, durable and allow them to walk with a spring in their step.
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